The Hugs Project of Western Kentucky, Inc.
Hugs (cool ties) Instructions
1. Use 100% cotton fabric (use beige to darker browns) , 45" - 52" wide. (fundraiser ones can be in other colors)
2. Cut strips in 5"widths of fabric.
3. Fold strip in half lengthwise, right sides together (Inside out).
4. Sew down long side, using a 3/8" seam allowance backstitching at start and stop. Use small stitch (12 stitches per inch or 2.0 setting). Sew second run the same way for double stitching to make it hold up.
5. Sew across ONE END ONLY.
6. Turn tie right side out (using a ¼" or 3/8" piece of metal tubing makes it easy, starting at sewn end pushing it in and then sliding down tubing)
7. This step is optional but makes it easier for sewing the rest. Press lightly along the seam itself to "open" it somewhat, then press tie flat with seam along one edge.
8. Fold tie in ½ and lightly press center to mark it allowing ¼" from open end. Mark 10" - 11" from each side of center with tailor's chalk, which will leave 20" - 22" in the center (this is where the polymer crystals will be held).
9. Locate the mark closest to the "closed" end and sew across it. Double stitch.
10. Using a funnel, push tie up on end of funnel till it passes the mark at the end not sewn and put 2 full teaspoons of polymer crystals. NOTE: too many crystals will prevent the cool tie from draping around the neck.
11. Sew the mark nearest the open end closed trapping the crystals inside the middle.
12. Turn in a ¼" seam allowance on the unfinished end and sew across end to close tie.
13. You have finished making a HUG for one of our troops. Congratulations...
Smellies (fresheners) Instructions
1. Place uncooked rice in a bowl and add 5 drops of Essential oil (for fragrance) per cup of rice ( 1 cup add 5 drops, 2 cups add 10 drops). Mix well and place in a Ziploc baggie and allow it to sit for 24 to 36 hrs.
2. Cut material into 4" x 6" pieces.
3. Fold in 1/2 and sew 2 sides together with ¼" seams leaving one end open.
4. Turn right side out and put enough rice to fill (not overfill) the bag (approx 1/4 - 1/3 cup).
5. Turn ¼" in and sew across to close. Takes 2 for each one of our troops (two feet = two smellies)
6. You have finished making Smellies for one of our troops. Congratulations...
Items list to send to the troops
Some Ideas of what to send
Antiperspirants, Baseballs and other small toys (not weapon oriented) to use and give to kids, Bath Soap, Beef Jerky, Books, Breakfast Foods (pop-tarts, cereal bars, SINGLE SERVE boxes of cereal), Brownies, Bug Repellant (non-aerosol), Hard indivually wrapped candy, Canned beans and cheese dip, Chips in cans (travel size), flavored crackers (TRAVEL SIZE), Single drink mix (crystal light, kool-aid, propel, etc), Dry coffee Creamer, Dry Skin lotion, Eye drops (for dry eyes), Fly strips and glue traps, Body powders and lotion in travel sizes, Games (small travel sizes), Granola Bars and power bars, Gum, Hacky Sacks, Homemade cookies and snacks, Hot Chocolate (in winter, individual packets), Instant Oatmeal (single serve), Kleenex type tissues (TRAVEL SIZE), Magazines (Men’s Health, Maxim, News, Sports, PC, Car, etc.), Nuts and sunflower seeds, Q-tips, Lip Balm, Ramen noodles, Razors, Shampoo (12oz or smaller bottles), Soup Mixes (single serve), Sugar substitutes, Sunscreen, Teas and coffees (single serve), Throat lozenges, Tooth brushes and tooth paste, Hand and Feet warmers (in winter), Warm wool hats, Zipper lock style baggies (all sizes), UNSCENTED wet wipes (TRAVEL size).
Something new is we need powedered laundry detergent and dryer sheets.
NOTE: At this time we have enough cookies.
DO NOT SEND:Glass items (will break in shipment), Aerosol (not allowed by USPS)